Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Hello, and welcome to my blog!  My name is Matt, and I am engineer working in southeast Michigan.  I am 22 years old, and an engineer at a local automotive company.

Many of you reading this probably already know me, but , with this blog being about my (many) random interests, I’ll dive into a little about myself.  I have always lived here in southeast Michigan, and went to Oakland University, a local public research university not far from where I live.  I graduated back last year, and I have been employed as a developer at my company ever since.  I am a devout Catholic, and I met my wife back in a high school youth group.  We are both still active in the church, and really enjoy the community of it.

My wife is only slightly younger than I am and grew up not 10 miles from me.  She is a beautiful, quiet girl who has just brightened my life since we met.  But, enough we the gushy-ness.  We started dating about 5 years ago and were married last august.
Just in the last month, we purchased our first home, which will be the focus of many posts over the course of this blog.

Many of you who know me will realize that I am not just an average man, but a bit of a nerd at the same time.  My interests cover the full spectrum of guy and nerd interests.  From video games and cars to miniature war gaming and home improvement, I’ll be writing just about everything.

Now, I have never had a blog before, and I know that they are kinda 5 years ago, but I wanted to start writing more than corrections to Megan’s papers or technical documents at work.  I hope it will be enjoyable to all who read it, and I look forward to future posts!

Until Next time…

1 comment:

  1. A real fan would write about the Battle Rifle and DMR not the assault riffle.

    Any way, did you know the game Mech Assult for the original Xbox is used with an action replay to install a linux based OS on the original Xbox and thats how most people were modding in halo online. The people if you played online, ranked, and especially if you were in the 40s in Halo 2 era when ranks actually were hard to get, and meant a lot, until all the modders, whose mods came from an exploit thanks to Mech Assult, may be a predocessor to the Mech Game above.
